How to prepare to the exam:
No preparation is required.
ATTENTION: the exam is NOT performed on patients under the age of 10.
No preparation is required.
ATTENTION: the exam is NOT performed on patients under the age of 10.
No preparation is required.
ATTENTION: the exam is NOT performed on patients under the age of 10.
No preparation is required.
ATTENTION: the exam is NOT performed on patients under the age of 10.
No preparation is required.
Helab offers a package of BLOOD TEST FOR STI, that includes: Antibodies to HIV 1-2 p24 antigen, VDRL and TPHA (Syphilis screening), HBsAg (Hepatitis B antigen), HBcAb (anti HBc antibodies), HBsAb, anti HCV antibodies (Hepatitis C), antibodies to Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 (IgG and IgM ), anti-Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies.
To add exams to existing Packages, please send us an email to with integration.
Aerobic bacteria, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus with PCR method.
Aerobic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus with PCR method.
The vaginal-endocervical swab may cause a small blood loss, which spontaneously regresses within 24h.
Aerobic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, ureaplasma.
The vaginal-endocervical swab may cause a small blood loss, which spontaneously regresses within 24h.
Aerobic bacteria, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus with PCR method.
Aerobic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, ureaplasma.
Aerobic bacteria and fungi.
Chlamydia and gonococcus by PCR method.
The vaginal-endocervical swab may cause a small blood loss, which spontaneously regresses within 24h.
Aerobic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus with PCR method.
Aerobic bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus with PCR method.
For female patient:
After the exam it is recommended to drink plenty of water during the day to promote urination and obtain a mechanical washing of the urethra.
Chlamydia and gonococcus by PCR method.
For female patient:
After the exam it is recommended to drink plenty of water during the day to promote urination and obtain a mechanical washing of the urethra.
Chlamydia and gonococcus by PCR method.
Package includes:
TSH (tireotropina), FT3 (triodotironina libera), FT4 (tiroxina libera), Anticorpi TIREOPEROSSIDASI (TPO), Anticorpi TIREOGLOBULINA (ABTG), Anticorpi Recettori TSH.
To add exams to existing Packages, please send us an email to with integration.
Package includes:
PSA (antigene prostatico specifico) , LH (luteotropina/ormono luteinizzante), FSH (follitropina/ormone follicolo stimolante), Prolattina (PRL), Testosterone, TSH (tireotropina), FT3 (triodotironina libera), FT4 (tiroxina libera).
To add exams to existing Packages, please send us an email to with integration.
Package includes:
LH (luteotropina/ormono luteinizzante), FSH (follitropina/ormone follicolo stimolante), TSH (tireotropina), FT3 (triodotironina libera), FT4 (tiroxina libera), 17 Beta Estradiolo, DHEAs (deidroepiandrosterone solfato), Vitamina D 25-oh, Ormone Anti Mulleriano (AMH), 17 Idrossiprogesterone, Progesterone, Prolattina (PRL)
To add exams to existing Packages, please send us an email to with integration.
Package includes:
Azotemia (urea), Glycemia (glucose), Creatinine, Uricemia (urate), Triglycerides, Coelsterol total/HDL/LDL, Transaminases GOT (AST: aspartate amino transferase) e GPT (ALT: alanine amino transferase), Gamma GT (gamma glutamil transpeptidasi), Iron, Blood Count, Sedimentation rate of red blood cells, Total and fractional Bilirubin, Urine comprehensive examination.
To add exams to existing Packages, please send us an email to with integration.
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