Blood Tests

How to prepare for the exam

If you don’t have any specific medical advice:

  • be fasting for at least 6h from the last meal
  • avoid intense physical activity in the days before the exam
  • before the exam, consult your doctor if you may need to suspend or delay medications
  • ATTENTION: the exam will NOT be available for children under age 10

(If you have a doctor's recommendation, please bring it to the time of the examination)

How to collect results

Results can be received by email, ordinary mail or collected personally at HeLab from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

In case you delegate someone to deliver your sample or to collect your result, it is necessary to present the signed form “Sample delivery form” or “Result collection form” together with the copy of your own ID card and the copy of the person’s ID card you delegate.

Please send the list of exams to be performed in advance to