- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea from urine 1° void (PCR Method)
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhea from endocervical swab (PCR method)
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhea from endourethral swab (PCR Method)
- Endourethral swab with sexually transmitted diseases (PCR method)
- Oropharyngeal swab for streptococcus
- Oropharyngeal swab in PCR
- Urine 1° void
- Urine 1° void with sexually trasmitted diseases (PCR method)
- Vaginal pH evaluation
- Vaginal swab searching mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas
- Vaginal-endocervical swab with sexually tramitted diseases (PCR method)
- Bacterioscopic examination
- Herpes test 1/2
- Vaginal swab
- HPV screening – HPV typed
- Endourethral swab
- Lesion swab
- Vaginal swab
- Vagino-rectal pregnancy swab
- Herpes Zooster test
- Vulvar swab
- Urine culture
To perform infectious blood tests on blood to search for sexually transmitted infections (STIs: HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis) visit the appropriate section Blood Tests -> Infectious Tests (STIs)